1. Overview

The EventBookings API is constructed to strictly abide by the rules and the stylistic definitions of REST (Representational State Transfer), making it a REST API. Users can observe the system in the rawest and most accessible form through the usage of this API. Manipulation of the endpoints is offered with five HTTP methods (GET/POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE), allowing the users to access EventBookings data in JSON form.

What is RESTful Web Services and REST API

REST (Representational State Transfer) is a set of constraints defining a software architectural style for constructing web services. Systems following the conventions of REST are RESTful services. The six guiding principles for any hypermedia distributed system to be a RESTful one is documented elaboratively in this link.

API Resources

The users can interact with the following resources thorough EventBookings APIs- 

  • Events
  • Orgs
  • Me
  • Reviews
  • Users
  • Common
  • Orders

Available Data Formats

Conforming to the RESTAPI principles, EventBookings API data are exchanged in JSON format. 


EventBookings primarily uses the OAuth2.0 authentication scheme. It is a fairly recognized authentication scheme that allows the users to access information in a secured way.

Response Data 

Response data is sent as JSON, depending on the type of data requested (HTTP Content-Type header) or the type specified as being accepted (HTTP Accept header).

Retrieval methods can sometimes request PDF using application/pdf or appending .pdf to the resource URI.

Response codes are sent via the normal HTTP Response Code, and are documented separately for each resource.

For boolean fields, please note that a value of null may be considered as false. However, this is not true across all cases. Please excercise good judgement here, or contact support with any questions.

For example:

  • null can define that there’s no data available for that attribute