
Skip-control is an attribute used to specify which controls are not displayed in the Left panel. The value of the attribute is a string that contains a list of control names, separated by hyphens.

  1. skip-control="backgroundAttach": It specifies that the background attachment control should be hidden in the Left panel. The background attachment property specifies whether a background image should scroll with the content or be fixed.
  2. skip-control="color": It specifies that the colour control should be hidden in Left panel.
  3. skip-control="link-target": It specifies that the link target control should be skipped Left panel.
  4. skip-control="textAlign": It specifies that the text alignment control should be hidden in Left panel. The text alignment property specifies the horizontal alignment of text within a content block.
  5. skip-control="cloneButton-moveButton": It specifies that the clone button and move button controls should be hidden in Left panel.
  6. skip-control="link-target-textAlign": It specifies that the link target and text alignment controls should be hidden in Left panel.
  7. skip-control="fontSize-textAlign": It specifies that the font size and text alignment controls should be hidden in Left panel.
  8. skip-control="link-target-fontSize-textAlign": It specifies that the link target, font size, and text alignment controls should be hidden in Left panel.
  9. skip-control="backgroundAttach-textAlign": It specifies that the background-attachment and text alignment controls should be hidden in Left panel.
  10. skip-control="backgroundAttach-textAlign-marginTop-marginBottom": It specifies that the background attachment, text alignment, margin-top, and margin-bottom controls should be hidden in Left panel.
  11. skip-control="color-fontSize-textAlign-margin-padding-backgroundAttach": It specifies that the color, font size, text alignment, margin, padding, and background attachment controls should be hidden in Left panel.
  12. skip-control="margin-padding-background": It specifies that the margin, padding, and background controls should be hidden in Left panel.
  13. skip-control="link-target-cloneButton-moveButton": It specifies that the link target, clone button, and move button controls should be hidden in Left panel. The link target allows a user to specify the URL to which a link should point, the clone button allows a user to duplicate a content block, and the move button allows a user to move a content block to a different position.

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